Solution to bX errors when uploading or updating template in Blogspot
Monday, March 2, 2009
Recently, whenever you try to upload or update or change a template in Blogspot Blogger, you will experience this "bX-bliced" errors. In later stage, the errors becomes all sort of numbers include: "bX-y6cz0v", "bX-8dyqz0", "bX-si9ejx", all sort of varieties. And here comes the solutions:
1. Open the new template XML file in any text editor, preferably WordPad (right click --> Open With --> WordPad).
2. “Ctrl + F” and search for the word "widget id"
3. Replace the "b:widget id='Anything1'" to "b:widget id='Anything11'" (example "b:widget id='Header1'" to "b:widget id='Header11'"), you can replace the number into any number you want, but must be at least double digit, 1 to 11, 2 to 22, etc... is a good choice.
4. Save the file. And upload the template either upload the xml file or cut and paste as usual.
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Labels: Blogspot Tips
Fantastic!! This worked like a charm, thanks so much for sharing the solution with us!!
Now my site looks 100 times better with the new template loaded :)
Adventures in Steampunk
Thanks again!
Thank you so much !!!
This worked, and I don't know why -- thanks for posting it to the help forum!
Thank you so much for this fix! AWESOME!
it worked
thank you so much! god... this worked.. thank u so big.big.big much. LOL..:D
i already click $$ for this post...
OMG this actually worked! I've been searching for hours for a solution to get the Mush Blue Blogger template working... And now thanks to this, it actually works! :)
Thank you so much!
works great, tastes great and less filling.....
WTF does this "problem" even exist? In some Blogger sites it is NOT and issue. In others it is.
C'mon Blogger git yer stuff together.....
wonderful! it worked!
Thanks! It works! Why is that the doubled numerals worked and the singles did not?
Anyways, Thanks
shit! it's working, thanks dude!
Thanks a lot! You´re amazing it worked perfectly.
Do you have to change all the places where "widget id" shows up in your search on the xml file?
I can't get this to work
wow! it worked! thanksssss
Thanks a lot!!
You are a savior! I've been having this ISSUE for some time now...and finally it is resolved! Thanks for sharing.
Wow, this is awesome, I have been trying for hours. Thank you so much for sharing.
Thanks to you and salut to your experience, you are so smart and clever. God bless you
not worked
Thank you so much, this has been a frustration for days, now the problem is this message:
[Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly.
XML error message: The element type "b:section" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "".]
BTW I am copying and pasting the code into html if that is any help. I am soo desperate:(
The solution works, and as proven by many others who left comments here.
If you get other errors, very likely you have a typo or remove something extra. Just redo it everything and try again.
And thanks for everyone left me comments here, will be good if you link to me!!!
You are so genius...
Whoohoo, I knew it could be done it was just fixing whatever, thank you, thank you:):):) Great advice it worked the way you said.
thank you so much..IT WORKS...
Wow ! I am surprise that it worked for everyone except me. Mines didn't have the "b:widget id='Anything1" it did have the widget in may locations but not the word "anything1" in that phrase was ever found in my template. SO I'm stuck here :o(
If i open it with word pad or anything else I just get heap of matter what I do so I cant tweak the widget
Ive been at it all day and am over it, Ive never had this hassle before.. I cleared all my caches etc... tried also pyzam and pimp my profile... same BXmessages
It works.
Thanks a lot
I find the same problem. Thanks your solution. And I have re-write this solution in Indonesian here
thank you..thank you so works perfectly u are a genius:))
My God! That really works! Thanks man. I was so frustrated earlier.
YEA! Thanks so much for your help! I love my new blog so much better. You are a godsend!
Thank you! :)
I did what you suggested and now get this message: Please correct the error below, and submit your template again.
Invalid variable declaration in page skin: This is not a recognized value for font weight. Input: bold
Any input on how to proceed from there? Thanks!
Thanks!i'v done.
hm... now my blog more nice
thx, its work
Fantastic, it helps me! Thanks so much!
but its doesn't work mine i tried what your instruction but its wont work wondering why any help with this thanks
Thanks man, it really helped!
what is the diff. blog generator with this?