Singapore Google Technology User Group
Thursday, August 13, 2009
The Singapore Google Technology User Group (SG-GTUG), hosted at, is the Singapore chapter of the global Google Technology User Groups. SG-GTUG is a non-profit professional developers group to learn, know and share about Google technologies. The group was started by a group of Google fans and enthusiasts who are interested in using Google's evolving technologies and APIs. Membership is open to developers, managers and organizations who use or plan to use at least one of Google's technologies in their projects.
SG-GTUG's vision is to become the first-stop top-notch Google developer group in Singapore where individual and corporate developers can interact with, and learn and share from one another.SG-GTUG's mission is to make available various channels for the developers to interact. Their channels would be both virtual and real. They are building a strong web presence through many of the leading social networking websites and tools. In addition, they plan to organize regular developer events where developers can showcase their products and interact with other developers.
The 1st big kickoff meeting for SG-GTUG will take place on Aug 29 (at Google Singapore's office) and features talks on Google Web Kit and Google App Engine -- for event details, please refer to
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Labels: Google Tips
Google zeitgeist - let you understand the TREND
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Google zeitgeist shows you a look inside the world of search. Try to search your name, your website, and see is it getting more and more people looking for you, and how is the traffic for your website.
For example, it shows you the:
- Top 100 fastest-rising search queries right now at USA
- See the searching trend for a particular keyword
- Insight and more detailed on the search information
- Traffic trend for websiteInterestingly, you may know which actress or which TV program is most popular right now.
Click here for more Google Tips
Labels: Google Tips
Project Wonderful - Publishers make the most money
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Instead of setting a fixed price for advertising, they use their innovative Infinite Auction model. Advertisers name the price they want to pay (and when they want to pay it), and whoever is willing to pay the most gets their ad shown! It's profitable and fair to both you and the advertiser, and allows prices to respond quickly to changes in your site.Step 1.
You create a personalized advertising area for your site. You set the terms of the auction and can approve every bid.
Step 2.
Readers bid on your advertising space, competing for the best deal. As soon as someone is the high bidder, their ad is shown. Anyone can become the high bidder at any time, and you can cancel any bid you don't like.
Step 3.
Profit! It really is as simple as that.
Visit to find out more.
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Labels: Online Ads
BloggerAds - Advertiser Network for Chinese Bloggers with Traditional Chinese Character
Thursday, August 6, 2009
BloggerAds is a Taiwan based advertiser network for bloggers who write their blogs in Traditional Chinese characters. Well, this is of course a very localised advertiser for the Taiwan bloggers. Interestingly, they got this expanded type advertisement that you can't find in most advertisement platform. One example is shown in the figure below.
However, for Taiwan blogger, you will be charged 15% for the tax, while foreigners will be charged 20% for tax. Seems like no matter how much you earn, you will be taxed 15% at least, quite a lot!
Click here for more Online Ads
Labels: Online Ads
Wildfire - one-stop for creating viral promotions
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Wildfire's patent-pending technology aims to solve that problem with a self-service web application that allows corporations, small businesses, marketing agencies, bloggers and nonprofits to easily create their own attractive, branded interactive promotions and simultaneously publish them in multiple social networks.
1. Your company creates a branded interactive campaign using our easy-to-use software. Available campaign formats include sweepstakes, user-generated video, photo & essay-based contests and coupon give-aways.
2. Your branded campaign is simultaneously published within multiple social networks (e.g. Facebook, MySpace, Bebo) and on your company website.3. Users engage with your campaign via a widget on your website or applications within the social networks. Either way, they can invite their social network friends with a few simple clicks and generate activity feeds that promote your brand within the social networks.
4. For every contestant, scores of their social network friends may hear about and enter your campaign. They too can invite their social network friends and generate activity feeds, and so the word spreads.
Of course these are not free of charge, however, there is a free trial for the basic function until 15 Aug 2009.
Click here for more New Online Tools
Labels: New Online Tools
ChurpChurp - the online advertiser for Twitter based in Singapore and Malalysia
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
ChurpChurp is an advertising network for Twitter. Their advertisers will specify the tweet contents to be propagated, also referred to as a Churp, so when you sign up and allow us to post Churps among your tweets, you earn money!
Their Churps will be targeted to users with matching Twitter contents so that it remains relevant to your followers as well as minimizing the awkwardness of generated Churps. In other words, we will assign to you advertisements that are suitable with your usual tweets and follower type. I don't Tweet, so never try this out, you may try and let me know how good is it. But it takes you SGD 100 or RM 100 to cash out, pretty much!
Click here for more Online Ads
Labels: Online Ads
2009 Q2 Adsense Earning - SGD 1332
Monday, August 3, 2009
Here is my Google Adsense earning for the past 3 months. Well, the very last month is the toughtest time in my life. You will see a drop in the next month earning. Life is alawys up and down, but bad days will over and sun will still rise tomorrow.
Apr 2009: USD $231.01 (SGD 332.31) May 2009: USD $324.94 (SGD 471.52)
June 2009: SGD 529.66
I will keep my promise share with you on some of my experience when time permit. And mean time, I can only say "do yourself a good job, and you will be reworded one day". Though sometimes that day may come in late.
Click here for my Adsense Earnings
Labels: Adsense Earnings