Google Adsense adds in Host ID on top of Pub ID
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Google Adsense and Blogspot Blogger have been recently make significant changes on the adsense advertisement on blog. In the past, all you need is to identify your adsense publisher ID (called google_ad_client), your adsense slot ID (called google_ad_slot). Now, there is a new identity being added - Google Adsense Host ID (called google_ad_host).
Publisher ID is to identify your account, such that all the click on ads will generate income to your account.
Slot ID is to identify the particular adsense identity, e.g. the channel, the color, the size.
The new Host ID is to identify the blogger host that host the ads. This may due to the fact that many people has many Blogspot account, and in order to obtain Google paycheck every month, different Blogspot account share the same Adsense Publisher ID.
The new code looks something like:
google_ad_client = "pub-1234567890123456";
google_ad_host = "pub-9876543212345678"; (<-- this line is something new)
google_ad_slot = "35678901245";
google_ad_width = 250;
google_ad_height = 250;
Don't be surprise if you didn't see that line when you obtain the code from Adsense. That line will be added by Blogspot after you paste your Adsense code into your blog. It will be added even nif you add the adsense code directly to your template. And this may explain the recent glitch happen at Blogspot.
Click here for more Adsense Tips
Labels: Adsense Tips
9000 years legend Atlantis found?
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Last week, a British man announced he'd found the lost city of Atlantis using Google Ocean -- the latest add-on to Google Earth that features 3D bathymetry, which lets you explore the ocean floor. A Google Ocean image of an underwater section of the Atlantic ocean at 31 15'15.53N 24 15'30.53W is drawing wide attention as a possible location of the lost city of Atlantis. The location is about 700 miles off the coasts of Morocco and Portugal and fits in very nicely with the whereabouts of Atlantis, as described by Plato.
Plato described it as an island "larger than Libya and Asia put together" in front of the Pillars of Hercules - the Straits of Gibraltar. He said Atlantis was a land of fabulous wealth, advanced civilisation and natural beauty destroyed by earthquakes and floods 9,000 years earlier. The legend of Atlantis has excited the public imagination for centuries. In recent years "evidence" of the lost kingdom has been found off the coast of Cyprus and in southern Spain.The sharp outlines and uniform wall-like structures seen in the image are believed by many to be completely unnatural and the result of manmade activity and his structures. What can be seen clearly are several nearly straight lines, near perfect rectangles and what may be roads extending out toward dry land. The structure is currently under several thousand feet of water and was only recently made available thanks to the Ocean extension of Google Earth. Experts had said this was one of the possible sites of the city described by Plato, the Greek philosopher.
Google Earth has been responsible for several amazing discoveries in the past as the company pointed out: "It's true that many amazing discoveries have been made in Google Earth -- a pristine forest in Mozambique that is home to previously unknown species, a fringing coral reef off the coast of Australia, and the remains of an Ancient Roman villa, to name just a few." Unfortunately, Atlantis will not be added to this list, as Google dismisses 'Atlantis find'.
Despite Google's denial, some conspiracy theorists reject the company's explanation and say the search giant might be participating in a cover-up.
Click here for more Google Glitches
Labels: Google Glitches
bX-y6cz0v error when making changes to Blogger Blogspot template
Friday, February 20, 2009
There have been too much errors in Blogger Blogspot recently, one is not able to upload image, and all the images gone within a night. Fortunately, those problem already solved. However, the "bX-bliced" that not allowing blogger to upload new template still pretty annoying.
And recently, even you use the default standard template, and try to make changes, you will receive the "bX-y6cz0v" error too. How to solve it? I doubt there is any solution yet.We can only wait and hope the problems be solved by the technical team. Or you may try to report it at: Report your bx error code here
SOLUTION: Solution to bX errors
Click here for more Blogspot Tips
Labels: Blogspot Tips
bX-bliced error when upload template in Blogger Blogspot
Those who try to upload a brand new template to the Blogger Blogspot may encounter this "bX-bliced" error. No matter you try to upload a new xml file, or try to copy and paste the new template into the system, you will get this error.
Some suggest to clear the cache, but I can tell you, no way to solve the problem. I tried all the browser, Firefox, IE, Opera, Chrome, all give me the same problem. So just pray Blogspot solve this technical glitch soon. If not, can only select from the default templates that have been provided.
You may consider to report it at: bX-code Reporting Form
SOLUTION: Solution to bX errors
Click here for more Blogspot Tips
Labels: Blogspot Tips
Google map guides him drive through the ocean
Thursday, February 5, 2009
The new version of Google Earth 5.0 lets users explore the oceans, view images of Mars, and watch the Earth's surface change over time. But this doesn't mean that as a human being, we can drive through the ocean. Lets take a look on this video, and see how Google Map guide this guy to drive through the ocean.
Well, the above maybe just some minor technical glitch. The real breakthrough is the newest version Google Earth, it lets you see what is under the water, what is on the MARS, and let you dive down under the water.
You can explore thousands of data points including videos and images of ocean life, details on the best surf spots, logs of real ocean expeditions, and much more.
Unfortunately, it is not a free software, only free for 7-day trial.
Click here for more Google Glitches
Labels: Google Glitches