9000 years legend Atlantis found?
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Last week, a British man announced he'd found the lost city of Atlantis using Google Ocean -- the latest add-on to Google Earth that features 3D bathymetry, which lets you explore the ocean floor. A Google Ocean image of an underwater section of the Atlantic ocean at 31 15'15.53N 24 15'30.53W is drawing wide attention as a possible location of the lost city of Atlantis. The location is about 700 miles off the coasts of Morocco and Portugal and fits in very nicely with the whereabouts of Atlantis, as described by Plato.
Plato described it as an island "larger than Libya and Asia put together" in front of the Pillars of Hercules - the Straits of Gibraltar. He said Atlantis was a land of fabulous wealth, advanced civilisation and natural beauty destroyed by earthquakes and floods 9,000 years earlier. The legend of Atlantis has excited the public imagination for centuries. In recent years "evidence" of the lost kingdom has been found off the coast of Cyprus and in southern Spain.The sharp outlines and uniform wall-like structures seen in the image are believed by many to be completely unnatural and the result of manmade activity and his structures. What can be seen clearly are several nearly straight lines, near perfect rectangles and what may be roads extending out toward dry land. The structure is currently under several thousand feet of water and was only recently made available thanks to the Ocean extension of Google Earth. Experts had said this was one of the possible sites of the city described by Plato, the Greek philosopher.
Google Earth has been responsible for several amazing discoveries in the past as the company pointed out: "It's true that many amazing discoveries have been made in Google Earth -- a pristine forest in Mozambique that is home to previously unknown species, a fringing coral reef off the coast of Australia, and the remains of an Ancient Roman villa, to name just a few." Unfortunately, Atlantis will not be added to this list, as Google dismisses 'Atlantis find'.
Despite Google's denial, some conspiracy theorists reject the company's explanation and say the search giant might be participating in a cover-up.
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