Blogspot allows upload of Animated GIF, but there is a bug
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
In the past, if you want to upload an animated gif like the one below to your blog using Blogspot, you will have a great difficulty. Either you use the 3rd party image hosting or you upload to your Google Doc, then share it to your blog. Finally, Blogspot realise this difficulty, and allows the upload of animated GIF directly using the Blogspot build in image upload function.However, there is a bug! After you try to upload, you will notice that there will be unlimited of upload, non stopable uploading of the same image over and over again. End up, many duplicated copies of the same animated GIF will be added to your blog, a screen shot is taken below:
Let hope someone at Blogger can hear me. I don't really like the way to feedback in Google Group, I still prefer the old style with contact us, at least I can assure my feedback is read.
Click here for more Blogspot Tips
Labels: Blogspot Tips
Q1 2009 Adsense Earning USD $429.60
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Time flies, first quarter of 2009 is over. Economy is still not doing good, already give up hope on bonus and increment. Luckily still got some side income from Google Adsense. This quarter is not bad, the "business" seems bottom out at Jan 2009 and then recover, this seems to be aligned with the stock market! Lets see the Q1 2009 report card. Jan 2009: USD $103.83 (SGD 157.74)
Feb 2009: USD $125.87 (SGD $189.38)
March 2009: USD 199.90 (SGD 298)
Total earning for the first 3 months: USD $429.60.
Click here for my Adsense Earnings
Labels: Adsense Earnings
Adsense showing two different earning at Reports and My Account
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
In fact, I never check the earning in Reports and My Account of Google Adsense in the past, my default, I assume them to be the same. Until last month March earning, where I remember I get just over $200 in the report. But then when I see the earning history in my account, it was displayed as $199.90, $0.10 (in fact, should be $0.14) is missing! The above is monthly report, lets see in My Account, Payment History:
Not sure why is that so, as I never pay attention to it before. You may take a look at your account, see if such things happen. Anyway, it is just a small different, after the exchange rate fluctuation, you will notice nothing.
Click here for my Adsense Earnings
Labels: Adsense Earnings
Domain gives error message
Friday, April 3, 2009
Do you ever try to key in as URL to your browser? Recently, it has been giving out some error messages (sometimes), displayed in Dutch laguage. Take a look at the screen shoot below.
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---------------------------Don't really know why, there has been so much "errors" or "glitches" with Google recently. Really when you becomes bigger, it is getting harder to maintain, not even to mention growth?
Click here for more Google Glitches
Labels: Google Glitches